The Devious Mind Investigation Hunt is Now On .... Here is The best Part ..
Saturday, July 30, 2011 by Cell Phone
The Devious Mind Investigation Hunt is Now On .... Here is The best Part ..
Each of YOU are the Investigators ..
Some of the Neatest Devious Mind Investigation Hunt Prizes are shown in this blog ...
starting at July 29th, 2011 until August 14th, 2011
at deviousMind sim!
This hunt is a collaboration of all our resident stores and you will find gifts from each of these:
(*chanimations, !dM deviousMind, Cupcakes & Poetry and our newest family member Captain’s Quarters!
Breezy was simply Minding her own Business wearing her latest Release From Devious Mind
!dM deviousMind: "LaMadame"
*GOLD* and *Black*
shown in this Blog
"Know your place and show others theirs..."
Burlesque Couture
by !dM deviousMind

"Sometimes you just need to dress up. Even if you're the type that's not so much into dressing! And exactly for that occasion, we have created this stunning dress worthy of every Madame or burlesque Diva - corset, laces, latex and feathers for a gown with extra twist. ;-)
This illustrated costume consists of a variety of different items and clothing layers to give you as much flexibility as possible when styling your avatar. Aside of 2 differently shaped feather boas, you will find a detailed corset buttoned tight in the back, matching latex pants and a long skirt with attachment ruffles and glitch pants. And if you'd like to go less covered or add an additional color effect to the corset, a demi cup bra which you can wear stand alone or as jacket layer over the corset layer. The only thing this doesn't have is a non-revealing top - but that's what you have feathers for after all ;-D"
Chandra Meehan
In world Now
On Market Place
The costume includes as well an UPDATE CHECK to keep you up to date with every piece of this outfit - please read all information at the end of the content listing.
"LaMadame" is available in 7 latex colors **RED**, **PINK**, **PURPLE**, **BLACK**, **BLUE**, **GOLD**, **PEARL** - and of course you can get all 7 colors in one as **COLORPACK** (and o la la, this color pack is FUN!)
Ah and now a sneak look into this amazing creative Hunt .....
There has been a strange commotion this night at deviousMind sim, excited voices everywhere, press, flashlights… the exact circumstances are not quite certain; it might be, that the busy chiefs of police are too involved in investigations to issue a statement. It would seem, that all residents of said sim, so far known as a peaceful place, are still in shock about the deed of crime – or in possession of a knowledge they are not willing to share.At any rate, investigations are going on. And help of everybody is needed.
So it is official: Rumor has had it, that pretty things can soon be found… Like Now !!!!
A few of you “old timers” might be excited to hear that Captain’s Quarters and its super-talented creator Nathalia Parisi have come finally back to the grid – and for those who don’t know this store from the past yet, you’re in for a treat of amazing furniture and prefabs and anything else that makes living in prims desireable.
And it wouldn’t be our crazy cupcake lady “as we know her”, if Elise Capalini from Cupcakes & Poetry hadn’t spent nights and nights in her bakery building to create you the perfectly sweet devious cake gift there could possibly be… but not telling yet :-D
Of course there is also glam and feathers to be had with a new burlesque gift from !dM deviousBeauty and last but not least, something for your pose-stand by
(*chanimations photography props and poses.
And to top it all of:
The Joker Gift!
Somewhere in the sim (and trust me, it can be huge if you’re looking for something) will be exactly one big prize hidden – so if you’re lucky and with the right amount of intuition, you will be the new proud owner of a 5000,- L$ giftcard for (*chanimations and deviousMind soon!
The box will be different than the other hunt items, and I’ll do my best to make it as un-obvious as I can *evilgrin*. It wouldn’t be a joker if it was easy to find after all! ;-D
Every day that the joker has not been found, I will release a new hint to it’s location until one happy “sim chief investigator” disovers it! Good luck to you all! :-)
And it wouldn’t be our crazy cupcake lady “as we know her”, if Elise Capalini from Cupcakes & Poetry hadn’t spent nights and nights in her bakery building to create you the perfectly sweet devious cake gift there could possibly be… but not telling yet :-D
Of course there is also glam and feathers to be had with a new burlesque gift from !dM deviousBeauty and last but not least, something for your pose-stand by
(*chanimations photography props and poses.
And to top it all of:
The Joker Gift!
Somewhere in the sim (and trust me, it can be huge if you’re looking for something) will be exactly one big prize hidden – so if you’re lucky and with the right amount of intuition, you will be the new proud owner of a 5000,- L$ giftcard for (*chanimations and deviousMind soon!
The box will be different than the other hunt items, and I’ll do my best to make it as un-obvious as I can *evilgrin*. It wouldn’t be a joker if it was easy to find after all! ;-D
Every day that the joker has not been found, I will release a new hint to it’s location until one happy “sim chief investigator” disovers it! Good luck to you all! :-)
But Breezy Knowsssss Nothing !!!!!
The Clues ... are waiting for YOU ........
in world
the brilliant devious Mind Blog
She really was a Lovely Gal ...... Until...
She visited Devious Mind ohh those years ago ...
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